1981 - NewsPeek
1983 - GIN
1989 - SmarTV
1992 - GenMagic
1994 - CDML
1994 - Social Ads
1996 - Venue OS
1999 - Lumeria
Venue OS:
Message Types
Venue Cash Card
The History Behind Broadcatch -
Prototypes and Pseudocode
rev 5.0, 10/30/96
Some Pseudocode
-- writelog appends writestring to an internal log.
-- writeflag values:
-- 0 = write to cache
-- 1 = write to cache and flush to server
-- writestring is a tab separated list of tokens
-- the first item in the list may be cause special interpretation
-- of the rest of the tokens, possibly affecting the interpretation of
-- following lines (as is the case when sending a food order)
-- see Verbs for a description of defined actions.
writelog writeflag , writestring
-- flushlog sends the information written by writelog to the VOS.
-- The machineID is automatically added so the VOS knows from where the
-- request is coming from (and, via a lookup to the profiles table,
-- what customer(s) the message may have originated from.
Example usages of writelog
For space (line width) considerations in the following examples,
TAB characters have been replaced with a vertical bar
-- called by login procedure v0.1 (until we have a card swiper)
-- looks up name & passwd in customers table
-- if found, assigns MachineIPAddr to record, indicating customer is active
-- else, assigns a new CustomerID & creates a new record with a
-- DefaultProfileID of 0
-- after this writelog,
-- a call to getDatabase( "cppUser" ) will return the profiles(s)
-- of the currently logged in customers
writelog 1 , 'login|login_name|password_or_last_name'
-- called to create or initialize a profile.
-- Notes:
-- The arguments correspond to the columns in the profiles table.
-- The ProfileID set to zero implies that this is a default profile.
-- Set the ProfileID to NULL to add a profile to a customer.
-- To modify a profile, use the ProfileID returned by getData("cpp*");
-- The CustomerID set to zero implies this is unassigned
-- (for use by the administration program only)
-- Set this to a known CustomerID to create or modify a profile.
-- NULLs indicate "keep old value"; trailing NULLs may be truncated.
writeLog 1 , 'profiles|0|0|10/5/96|10/5/96|Me|NULL|Me|GIF'
-- to change a Customer's avatar, one might do something like this:
set cpp = value(getDatabaseList( "cppUser" ))
set profileID value(extractProfileID( cpp ))
set customerID value(extractCustomedID( cpp ))
sprintf( columns,
profileID, customerID );
writelog 0 , columns
(Updated 10/25/96 - rev 5.0)
/* initialize all the locally cached tables
* called at station (re-)boot time
* this could take a while...
* below is the lingo initialization of the illuxtra Xtra
long setUp(illuxtraName, stationTable_path, machineIPAddr, schemaName)
long errno;
xtra_globs xg;
/* Initialize the illuxtra globals in structure xg
/* set the schema used by the illuxtra xtra
if ((errno = setSchemaName(schemaName)) < 0)
/* call illuxtra function initCache
* initCache does the following:
* 1) creates a local copy of the station table,
* based on the server's station table
* 2) creates a local cache of the queries found in the servers
* station table (uses getTabListData(queryName,
* &dataToBeParsed, NULL)), where queryName is each query
* found in the station table, and dataToBeParsed is the string
* where the tab list data is stored.
* 3) calls initRelationalStationTable(xg) - this function adds to
* the local cache predefined relational queries, by calling internal
* defineRelationalQuery(query, tablesAffected, SQLString, xg) for
* the following queries: cppUser, cppAll, cppUserAllPrefs
if ((errno = initCache(&xg) < 0)
* Below are some lingo calls to set certain values in the illuxtra Xtra *
/* setSchemaName() set the schema name used by the illuxtra when it
* queries the database
long setSchemaName(schemaName)
// sets xg->schemaName to a copy of schemaName,
// returns an error if there was a memory allocation error
/* setStationTableString() copies a string inside the illuxtra which
* represents the station table. This is only a temporary routine,
* and will no longer be needed when we are reading the station
* table off the server through a stream
long setStationTableString(stationTableStr)
// sets xg->stationTableStr to a copy of stationTableStr,
// return an error if there was a memory allocation error.
/* defineRelationalQuery() defines a new named query where the user
* can pass in parameterized relational information when they call
* one of the getData routines. This routines adds another entry into
* the local station table. The SQLQuery can have parameters specified
* as $n where n represents the nth parameter starting at 1.
* Currently we only support one paramter
long defineRelationalQuery(queryName, tableNameList, SQLQuery)
// Add to the localRelStationTable another entry where:
// localRelStationTable[i].queryName = queryName;
// localRelStationTable[i].tableName = tableNameList;
// localRelStationTable[i].SQLQuery = SQLQuery;
// Currently set the refresh Delay to 0, later this will depend on
// the tableNameList
// localRelStationTable[i].refreshDelay = 0;
// The timestamp has no relevence in this table, so it is set to 0
// localRelStationTable[i].timestamp = 0;
/* In lingo there are two calls to get data from the database they are the
* following: getPropertyListData() and getTabListData(), they in turn
* call getData inside the illuxtra with a dataFormat passed in, depending
* on the format. This allows for more format to easily be supported within
* getData(). These routines return 0 if the data has changed (i.e. the
* a query was made to the database, 1 if the data hasn't changed (i.e. the
* data returned was the data in the cache, or an error which is a value
* less than 0.
* getData() does the following:
* first determine which station table the query resides in.
* Next check to see if we need to update the station table from the server.
* if so read the station table from the server.
* then determine whether we need to make a database query based on
* the server station table (i.e. has any of the tables changed since
* the last query was made, or has the relation changed from what has
* been stored in the cache).
* if so call queryDatabase() which will fill in any relational parameters
* into the SQL query, or use the query provided, or if null will create
* a full table query (i.e. select * from tableName;). Update the cache
* with the results of the new query.
* From the cache process query results into a tab-separated string,
* or property list
long getPropertyListData(queryName, *data, relationalInfo)
return(getData(queryName, data, relationalInfo, PROPLIST_TYPE, xg));
long getTabListData(queryName, *data, relationalInfo)
return(getData(queryName, data, relationalInfo, TABLIST_TYPE, xg));
/* this would be written in Lingo */
/* first initialize the illuxtra xtra
set myllluxtra = new(Xtra, "illuxtra")
setUp(myIlluxtra, the pathname& "station_table", "",
defineRelationQuery("songListGenre", "music", "select SongID from music $1;")
set error = getPropertyListData("songListGenre", songListPropertyList,
"where PrimaryGenre = 'Rock'")
if (error >= 0) {
if (error == 0) processPropertyList(songListPropertyList)
else return; /* do nothing */
else return(error);